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Is doing Fascia release by yourself a good idea?
Hold a Spot - 5 Ways to Enhance Your Self Myofascial Release 3 of 5
Myofascial Release - this powerful new therapy for pain
The BEST MYOFASCIAL RELEASE techniques for the Sternocleidomastoid & Scalenes
Self-massage for TMJ/jaw pain [myofascial release]
Stretching VS Self-Myofascial Release - Try this for INSTANT Back Pain relief!
Full Body Fascia Release
Fascia Release for Neck, Shoulders & Chest - Standing Practice!
The One Rule of Effective Fascial Release - And Why Massage Doesn't 'Release' Fascia
SELF TREATMENT FOR LOW BACK PAIN | Better Way to Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release: Shoulders and Neck
Myofascial Release: Hands/Fingers